
Abingdon’s iPad Contract

Abingdon’s “iPad Contract” for Students and Families

The assigned device is part of the APS Personalized Learning Initiative and is dedicated to student learning.  Students and families should understand the following expectations regarding the iPad 1:1 initiative.STUDENT Agreement:

  • I will take care of my iPad, keep it in its case, and carry it safely.
  • I will charge my iPad every night and bring it to school every morning.
  • I will let my teacher know when I do not have my iPad at school (ex: I left it at home, I lost it).
  • I will not change the settings on the iPad without permission from my teacher.
  • I will not install Apps to the iPad without permission from my teachers.
  • I will be safe when using this technology (ex: keep my information private, only communicate with people I know).
  • I will not search for images or websites that are inappropriate and will let teachers know if I see any.
  • I will not use Airdrop without permission from my teachers.
  • I will not login to an account using someone else’s information.
  • I will not bully through the iPad.
  • I will not use my iPad to contact or share information with other students past 8:00 pm.
  • I agree to random “iPad Checks” by my teachers.
  • I agree to follow the APS Network and Computer Acceptable Use Agreement as presented to me in class by my teacher.


  • I/we understand that the use of the device means that the student agrees to follow the APS Network and Computer Acceptable Use Agreement (if you are not able to access the URL, but would like to read the complete terms, we will provide you with a copy).
  • I/we understand that the use of the iPad at home beyond assigned schoolwork should follow my family’s appropriate rules on Internet and digital resources access.
  • APS Internet filtering does not always work at home, therefore parental supervision is required.
  • If I/we use this device, I/we will follow the student expectations listed above and they will not login to any accounts (ie. Facebook, email, iCloud) as this is the student’s device, not mine/ours.