
Thank You for a Successful Tech Night!

We were very happy to see so many families supporting Abingdon’s Project GIFT Technology Showcase. Students “traveled” around the building with their families, filling passports by visiting many exciting technology “destinations”. Abingdon students from every grade level, kindergarten through fifth, presented how they use technology to enhance their daily learning environment to the school community. There were several classroom projects on display, involving all subject areas, seamlessly integrating technology. We saw everything from STEM projects focused on the Engineering Design Process being displayed digitally with the use of Seesaw, an online digital portfolio, to virtual reality field trips exploring real world, architecture “in person”. Students shared how they are using Schoology – our Learning Management System, augmenting reality in daily lessons, coding with Ozobots, 3-D printing, and participating in student-designed Genius Hour opportunities. Several families took advantage of our 4th grade Green Screen Guides ability to create photos which virtually transported guests to destinations such as the Eiffel Tower, outer space, and anywhere else our families could dream up!


Boarding and Check-In

Baggage Claim and Survey

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Share Your Feedback for the New Principal Search

As we begin the search for the next principal of Abingdon, we are requesting feedback from parents and community members regarding the strengths of the school, the most important challenges faced by the school, and the attributes desired in your principal.

Winter Assembly

Mark Rooney, from the Humanities Project at Abingdon Elementary School showing our students the Art of Japanese Drumming.