Section: About Us
Contact Us
February 13, 2017
Main Phone Number: 703-228-6650 | Fax: 703-931-1804 Abingdon’s Office Staff: Registrar – Glenda Flores Attendance – Administrative Assistant...
Attendance Hotline
August 1, 2016
Email: Attendance Hotline: 703-228-6653 Dismissal Changes: All dismissal changes (how a student is getting home) must be communicated...
Attendance Policy
June 23, 2016
EXCUSED ABSENCES (ALL OTHERS ARE UNEXCUSED) Illness, quarantine of student, doctor or dentist appointment Death in the family Observance...
Exemplary Project
June 23, 2016
Here is a video documentary showing Social Studies, Literature and Drama integration.
June 23, 2016
Dr. Edwin Acevedo – Principal Dr. Edwin Acevedo a native of New York City brings a wealth of experience...
Free and Reduced Lunch Program
January 1, 1970
As of the 2024-2025 school year, Abingdon will provide free breakfast and lunch for all students. Breakfast is served...