
First Grade

Abingdon's First Grade Team

First grade teachers wearing different colored crayon shirts

First graders all learn to be more independent readers, writers, and mathematicians. Our students are immersed in a print-rich environment that develops oral language, phonics, vocabulary, and comprehension skills. We foster oral language development and bolster listening comprehension through interactive read-aloud and content knowledge building using the Amplify Core Knowledge Language Arts resource. Using the Wilson Foundations and Heggerty Phonemic Awareness programs, students build phonological awareness skills and phonics skills daily to acquire foundational literacy skills.  Students apply these foundational skills to read new words and reread familiar selections with fluency and expression. First-grade students receive small group instruction in literacy to both extend and reinforce necessary skills for all students to read and comprehend. Students continue to develop an understanding of characters, setting, main idea, and story sequence in a variety of texts.At the first-grade level, reading and writing will develop together. Students will be given daily opportunities to write and read their writing. As their knowledge of letter-sound correspondence and their sight-word vocabulary increases, they will be able to use these skills to put their ideas and thoughts on paper. With teacher guidance and support, they will also begin to revise and edit selected pieces of their writing for a specific audience. Teachers will encourage the development of writing skills that are foundational to effective written communication and critical thinking.In math, students work on learning basic addition and subtraction facts with ease, solving and writing story problems as well as how to count spare change and tell time.  Student learn math through a variety of whole group and small group instruction. Hands on manipulatives and games are interspersed with paper and pencil tasks to make sure the fundamental understanding of each concept is in place.First Graders participate in Tiny Toy Tales and Poetry in Music as just a few of the CETA programs to enhance their learning. First grade is all about becoming independent thinkers and learners!

Our First Grade Team & How to Contact Us

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Lucille Amatos

Team Lead

Claire Bondi

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Nicole Jondahl

Meredith Rose

First Grade Special Education Teacher

Maria Smith

Alison Supple

Boae Kim